Learning where to start and who to trust in the world of internet marketing and making money online can be difficult. There are more scams out there than there are legitimate programs that can actually help you build a successful business.
It’s a sad state, but there’s no way to get around it.
I can tell you right now that when a product creator or entrepreneur is telling you how you can download their system for only $97 and start making hundreds of dollars a day with just a few clicks of the mouse, that they are selling you a bunch of hot air.

However, every now and then, systems do come along that can help take you from beginner to successful business owner and shorten the amount of time it takes you to get there.
Wealthy Affiliate claims to be one of those products.
If you’re not familiar with Wealthy Affiliate, it’s a program run by the founders Kyle & Carson, and has been laid out with step-by-step guides to help you get a handle on building an internet based business, and the tools and training necessary to turn your dreams into a reality.
But is it too good to be true? Let’s take an in-depth look at it.
The Good
After digging through the training program, Wealthy Affiliate does have a lot to offer. At the surface level, there’s a lot going on. When you dig deeper, you realize that the meat and potatoes of the program is exactly what most people need to get started making money online.
Step-By-Step Training:
The training inside of Wealthy Affiliate is always up to date and full of information.
There are numerous lessons that cover every aspect of internet marketing that is constantly evolving to keep up with the times. From videos to written tutorials, there really is no area that you’ll need to learn about that has been left uncovered.

As the industry evolves, the training evolves, too. Members are able to create their own training material and then share it inside of the Wealthy Affiliate community.
If you do have questions, there are quite a few people from every walk of life that are eager and ready to help you get through the process. There’s no real “secrets” being held back inside of the community.
Easy To Use Tools:
Creating websites can seem like a daunting task when you’re just getting started, but Wealthy Affiliate wants to make the process as simple as possible and gives you the tools needed to create the types of websites they’re training you to build.
For instance, you can go through the keyword research training modules and then get straight to work with the Keyword Research tool that helps you find the perfect keywords to target on your own website.
This means you don’t have to spend even more money on external tools to help build your business. If there’s something you’re going to need to keep moving forward, Wealthy Affiliate provides it to you as part of your membership.
Weekly Live Webinars:
As it stands right now, there are more than 350 videos that are included in the training and webinar vault. These webinars have been recorded each week and include fresh training from Carson and Kyle themselves, guest experts, other members that are making big moves, and even beginners that are getting very specific help to grow their business.
Every week, Carson and Kyle take questions from the community and convert those questions into new training, in the form of weekly webinars. The videos are then recorded and added to the vault for members who weren’t able to attend the live webinar showing.
Free Website Hosting:
One of the many expenses that beginners are going to face when they’re building their business is the monthly cost of hosting their websites. Wealthy Affiliate has a feature to help with that cost, too, though.

Whether you’re just starting the Wealthy Affiliate program as a free subscriber, or you have multiple websites that you already own, there are free hosting options available for everybody.
Free Wealthy Affiliate members are able to host 2 websites for free, while premium members can host up to 25 websites for free, including websites that they’ve owned before joining the Wealthy Affiliate program.
One-On-One Support:
Many programs that are currently available offer “support”, but it’s only in the form of a third-party support desk. Some do not even offer support to their members, expecting them to figure out how to proceed forward on their own.
Wealthy Affiliate is one of the few programs that do offer one-on-one coaching, without charging a massive price tag for the opportunity. Both Kyle and Carson are actively involved in their forum live chat room, and are constantly monitoring questions from members to ensure that they can always move forward.
The Bad
Even with all of the good that Wealthy Affiliate has going for it, there are still areas where we believe the program could be improved. While going through their training, there’s one area that kept jumping out at us that could present problems to new members.
A Ton Of Information Available:
We’ve noticed that the amount of information that’s available to new members can be potentially overwhelming. While having a huge amount of information is generally a good thing, and ensures a completely thorough training program, when people are just getting started they may not necessarily know where to begin.

If, after joining, you happen to find yourself being overwhelmed, you’ll want to reach out and take advantage of the additional support, the community forums, and the one-on-one coaching that’s available.
The Ugly
We’ve also noticed that there’s a couple areas that could be worked on, but we’re not necessarily sure how Kyle and Carson could manage to pull it off. No review would be complete without breaking down every aspect of the program, and we do believe there are some ugly areas that make it hard for beginners to see the success they’re looking for.
The Community Can Be Excessively Busy:
A huge community full of active members can be a blessing, and a curse.
On one hand, you have people that are using the training in the program and are working on pursuing their dreams.
On the other hand, though, you have people that are constantly asking questions.
That means that if you have questions yourself, you may find that they’re getting buried inside of the forum, getting pushed down by other people’s questions.

Most times, you’ll receive answers fairly quickly, but if you find yourself asking super technical questions, or aren’t completely clear in the information that you’re asking for, you may have a hard time getting your questions answered.
If that’s the case, try reframing your question, or “bumping” your thread back to the top, and someone will come along and answer it eventually.
They Push You To Promote Wealthy Affiliate:
Some people that join Wealthy Affiliate aren’t going to have a business model in mind, a niche that they want to pursue, or a product that they want to promote.
For those people, Kyle and Carson are going to push for them to promote Wealthy Affiliate as a program to help them make money. This seems somewhat slimy on the outside, but when you look at it on a deeper level, it only makes sense that they’re helping their members make money by helping themselves.
Promoting Wealthy Affiliate when you do not have another program or product to promote can be a great way to get your feet wet and start making money.
This does make the program feel similar to a multi-level marketing scheme, but if you have a product that you want to promote before you join, or a niche that you want to pursue, you don’t have to worry about promoting Wealthy Affiliate as part of your training.
Is Wealthy Affiliate Legitimate?
At the end of the day, Wealthy Affiliate gives you the necessary training and support needed to build your internet based business. Whether or not you make that information work is entirely up to you.
One of the best aspects of Wealthy Affiliate is that you can try the entire program for free, taking all of the risk away. If there’s any chance that you think the program could work for you, you would be a little crazy to not take them up on at least the free trial offer.

Join the program, give them 30 days, go through the training, and put to work what they’re teaching you. If, at the end of those 30 days, you feel like you can’t make it work, or the training didn’t live up to their claims, no harm, no foul. You can cancel your account and move onto the next program.
However, we firmly believe that if you put in the time and do what the Wealthy Affiliate training teaches you to do, you will make money.
You can try Wealthy Affiliate for free by clicking on the button below.