Starting a blog just for fun isn’t for you either, huh? Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Starting a blog to make money however, now that’s more like it!
First off, I commend you for actually taking steps to start one. And if you’ve come to the realization that you can make good money from blogging (I mean…really good money), then even more kudos to you.
What should I blog about to make money?
The best topics to blog about can be summed up into three main categories: Health, Wealth, Romance. These broad topics for a blog which are well known for making money online are called “evergreen niches”. These following niches will continue to bring in money all year because they are always in demand. They can be broken down into smaller sub-niches as seen below…
Blogging Topics that Make the Most Money
These cover most of our deep down desires as humans and trigger people to take action, as well as captivating your readers.
Your blogging topics definitely do not have to be any of these in order to make money. You can make money on any subject you can think of. Any hobby will also do nicely. It’s just that the topics above are the most popular, along with being tried and true all year round.
In fact, my example blog topic selection exercise below will expand on this point.
But make sure you have a real interest in your subject and that you wouldn’t mind spending time researching and writing about.
Remember: you definitely do not need to create a blog about any of these, because you can earn money from just about any topic. Surprisingly, you don’t even need to know anything about the topic. You just need to be interested in it enough to write about it any way you want.
Hobby sites are also very popular. Some examples include: woodworking, gardening, landscaping, fixer-upper, craft beers, wine tasting, collectibles, camping, hunting, hiking, mountain biking, photography, cooking, vegetarian living, cult movies/shows – like I said, anything you can think of can be turned into a profitable blog.
Ways you will be making money from your blog:
- Google Adsense ads placed in different sections of your blog is the easiest.
- Affiliate Marketing. Promoting products/services you’re affiliated with.
Oh and FYI: maintaining a blog will take dedication on your part. Keep it updated with fresh content, even if you only have time to post a quck blurb about something. Consistency is key.
How often should I post to my blog?
Now, in order to flood your site with enough traffic volume (visitors) so you can earn a steady, substantial income; you’ll need to write different blog posts and pretty often. Preferably around 1000 words per blog post.
Blog as much as possible, minimum 2-3 times per week. Obviously the more, the better. Google favors blogs by ranking them high up in the ‘search engine results page’ (SERPs) if you consistently post new content. *Keyword: consistently.
If you can only see yourself writing one article a week, then do that. But don’t do two articles a week and then not write anything for two weeks. Stick to a writing schedule. Pick a number of blog post per week and stick to it.
If you can publish a blog post everyday or every other day, you’ll have enough traffic that can easily earn you close to $3,000 – $5,000 a month just from Google AdSense ads alone.
It may take a few months to get to that point, but it will be well worth it when you do.🤑
Now let’s get back to the topic at hand, shall we?
What should I start a blog about?
One of the trickiest things for new bloggers is coming up with ideas to write about. This is pretty much where everyone gets tripped up before even getting started. But first, your all encompassing thought process needs to be this…
Ask yourself: How can I write this blog post to help other people online?
The purpose of blogging is to help or entertaining others online. You can accomplish this by the following ways:
- Review products & services you use. I guarantee you that there is an affiliate program selling practically every product and service known to man.
- How-to tutorials. If you know how something is done, then show and explain how.
- Give quick tips, advice on a certain topic. Give suggestions based on your your experience or research.
- You can even write opinion pieces. Pick a trending topic and give your thoughts on it. Provocative content will create discussions prompting people to leave comments. (Google will notice this activity and reward your blog)
- You can embed other people’s YouTube videos into your blog post and critique them or expand on the subject matter. Use it to inspire you to write your own take on it.
- Story telling. Give real life experiences, anecdotes and people will want to read since you are being genuine and sharing something they are also interested in.
Your foundation will be asking yourself the right questions, in order to guide you to the exact topic you should be writing about.
So lets get into it…
How to find a topic (niche) for a blog
To keep motivated and be inspired to write consistently (Reminder: Google loves blogs that are kept fresh with original, new content) the easiest thing to do is always reference your personal experience.
Your blog should ideally have one main theme. It could be your pets, your hobby, a passion, something you know a lot about.
Personal Experiences: there’s got to be some stories you can share about your main topic of interest. Think back on older memories. Stories engage readers and keep them on your blog longer (Hint: another ranking factor, the longer a reader stays, the higher you rank).
Then tie-in how this experience can prevent someone from making the same mistake or help them achieve something as you did. At that point you can also recommend a product or service that has helped you. Now you get how it works!
Build trust by having your reader be able to associate with you. Thinking first about how to help people when writing your blog post topics will increase your earnings potential and rate of success immensely.
Research and Improvise: If you don’t know much about a certain topic, you can just research it really quick and teach what you’ve learned. Don’t think that you can only write about things you know, learn new things and share what you’ve learned.
* You’ll now be creating a list of potential topics to write about so write down anything that pops into your head. This should take less than an hour, don’t overthink it.
Topics to write about are all around you. They can even be broken into niches and even narrowed down into sub-niches.
Brainstorming for Blogging Ideas:
1.) Write down things that interest you, just the main keywords. Can be anything, there are no dumb ideas here. We’re just brainstorming.
2.) What do you know stuff about. Things that you are knowledgable about. You do not have to be an expert on the subject.
Your brainstorming session could look something like this: If you like camping then you know a lot about camping. Do you have kids? Then you know certain things about being a parent. Do you have an illness? Then you probably know a lot about it and how to relieve the symptoms.
Get the idea?
Were you a financial advisor? Then you can share your experience with saving and investing. Are you good at picking up the opposite sex? You can advise people on how to do it.
3.) Narrow your list down and circle the ones that stand out to you and you could see yourself expanding on.
4.) You can make any topic profitable. Don’t think, “Yeah, but there’s no money in this!” There are affiliate programs for anything you can think of, so recommending related products/services will never be an issue.
You just may need to be a little creative in figuring out the angle to connect a product to your topic. By joining an affiliate marketing training community, you can get assistance on all of this.
Choosing a topic to write a blog post about
To put this all into perspective, I’ll be giving you an examples on how to go about choosing a topic to write about based on a more broad subject.
Now, I will say that it helps to obviously pick a subject matter that interests you or that you spend a lot of time involved with already, because you’ll be writing a lot about similar topics. This could be a hobby or something you know a good deal about.
Don’t worry too much about what this main topic will be at this point. It will come to you. Just know that you will have to narrow your main topics down for blog posts, into much more specific subject matter.
Okay, an example is in order about finding sub-topics for your main topic…
Let’s say your blog will mostly be about – Being a dog owner.
Here would be some sub-topics to write about. You can even do a little research, like I said not everything you write has to come from personal experience.
For help with coming up with topic ideas and to see what phrases people are typing into Google (your actual target audience) use this great keyword tool.
So you could write different blog posts on:
1. What things to do to keep your dog healthy
2. How to care for you dog when it gets old
3. How much exercise does your dog need
4. How to travel with your dog
5. How to care for your dogs teeth
6. The most comfortable dog beds
You get the idea…
The more you think about it, the more you’ll come up with ideas. As you can see there are many products/services you can show and explain in your posts. Some posts will even be just giving your advice with no product recommendation at all.
Keyword Research for Blog Titles
Once you have these sub-topics roughly written out, you need to do some “keyword research”. This will allow you to get your blog seen in the search engines.
Basically, you’ll need to find exactly which way people are typing in the related phrase into Google the most.
We do this by using a keyword research tool (highly recommended). It shows you how many times people search per month so you can pick the keyword phrase with the most potential traffic.
So for the above phrases, these are the exact phrase people are searching for and will bring you the traffic.
1. Keep your dog healthy the natural way
2. How to care for senior dog
3. How long should I walk my dog each day
4. Tips for traveling with a dog
5. Best way to keep dogs teeth clean
6. Best therapeutic dog beds
Don’t get too caught up in these keyword phrases, you will automatically get ranked for multiple keywords for any blog post that you write (yes, Google is that good:) We do this just to give your blog post a little boost in the right direction.
These are what you’d use as a title for the blog post.
*Note: And also mention the phrase again in the first or second paragraph when writing the post. This will help Google rank you for that particular keyword phrase. This is basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO). See, there’s nothing complicated about it.
So this is the process for writing a blog to make money. I hope you got something from this and are ready to go for it on your own.
30-40% of your blog posts should have products revolving around them. We are here for the money after all, aren’t we? Money blogs (we’ll call them) should focus on topics pertaining to product tie-ins. Again, not all your blog posts need to have this.
Some of your blog posts can have hilarious memes about animals and babies to hold their interest longer. Get creative after all it is your form of expression.
Also don’t forget to have fun. The whole point is to enjoy what you’re doing– blogging to make money. The more you have fun, the more you’ll write. The more you write, the more you’ll earn.
If you’d like more practical advice, you can always take me up on my personal coaching (don’t worry it costs nothing). So, if you have nothing better to do right now…give me a try.