
What to Blog About to Make Money

what to blog about to make money

Starting a blog just for fun isn’t for you either, huh? Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Starting a blog to make money however, now that’s more like it!

First off, I commend you for actually taking steps to start one. And if you’ve come to the realization that you can make good money from blogging (I mean…really good money), then even more kudos to you. 

What should I blog about to make money?

The best topics to blog about can be summed up into three main categories: Health, Wealth, Romance. These broad topics for a blog which are well known for making money online are called “evergreen niches”. These following niches will continue to bring in money all year because they are always in demand. They can be broken down into smaller sub-niches as seen below…

Blogging Topics that Make the Most Money

  • Relationships – any type of dating advice, pick-up the opposite sex, cheating, how to make up with your ex. This genre affects everybody at one time or another. Counseling, Romantic gifts, getaway trips, cruises, massages, dating events, etc.
  • Make Money Online (MMO) – Showing people different ways to make money online is very lucrative, but also has very high competition. This entails digital courses, affiliate programs, multi-level marketing, online training, coaching, ebooks, tools/software used, etc. Stay away if you are just starting out.
  • Health/Wellness – All about ways to stay fit, lose weight, instructional videos and blog posts on different exercises, staying healthy naturally or with supplements. Quit smoking, lifestyle changes, detox, CBD oils, alternative health, organic foods, juicing, equipment, accessories, etc.
  • Personal Development – This is where you become the life coach. Inspiring and motivating people to create better habits, help the organize their priorities, teach specialized skills, seminars, etc.
  • Finance – Usually this has to do with retirement products, advice, crypto, forex, IRA’s, payment methods, loans, precious metals, budgeting, saving, wealth building, investing, credit score,  and more.
  • Travel – Many blogger choose this topic and eventually earn money while traveling, recommend hot travel spots, share your experience, recommend hotels, travel agencies, deals and booking sites.
  • Beauty – treatments to make you look and feel younger, skin-care, anti-aging, cosmetics, hair, etc.
  • Enlightenment – This could be programs relating to religion, meditation, spirituality, zodiac sign, manifestation, inspirational, law of attraction, positivity, etc. These topics have a passionate following.
  • Internet Services – Promoting hosting packages, VPN, software, auto-responder email, digital education, web/graphic design (and basically any service on Fiverr), gadgets, tech related freelancers.
  • Sports – Memorabilia, betting, fantasy leagues, equipment/ clothes, gear / accessories, related toys, games, etc. Doesn’t have to be sports either, any collectibles will always have an audience.
  • Pets – The love people have for their pets is huge so you can target, dog and cat lovers, fresh water fish, guinea pigs, snakes, parrots, exotic creatures, products used for their care and containment. Some say people spend more on their pets then themselves!
  • Video Games – Game reviews, equipment/gear, video game testing, tournaments, paraphernalia, consoles/ controllers / keyboards / headphones, PC hardware, all the different genres of games, in-game purchases, etc.

These cover most of our deep down desires as humans and trigger people to take action, as well as captivating your readers.

Your blogging topics definitely do not have to be any of these in order to make money. You can make money on any subject you can think of. Any hobby will also do nicely. It’s just that the topics above are the most popular, along with being tried and true all year round.

In fact, my example blog topic selection exercise below will expand on this point.

But make sure you have a real interest in your subject and that you wouldn’t mind spending time researching and writing about.

Remember: you definitely do not need to create a blog about any of these, because you can earn money from just about any topic. Surprisingly, you don’t even need to know anything about the topic. You just need to be interested in it enough to write about it any way you want.

Hobby sites are also very popular. Some examples include: woodworking, gardening, landscaping, fixer-upper, craft beers, wine tasting, collectibles, camping, hunting, hiking, mountain biking, photography, cooking, vegetarian living, cult movies/shows – like I said, anything you can think of can be turned into a profitable blog.

Ways you will be making money from your blog:

  • Google Adsense ads placed in different sections of your blog is the easiest.
  • Affiliate Marketing. Promoting products/services you’re affiliated with.

Oh and FYI: maintaining a blog will take dedication on your part. Keep it updated with fresh content, even if you only have time to post a quck blurb about something. Consistency is key.

How often should I post to my blog?

Now, in order to flood your site with enough traffic volume (visitors) so you can earn a steady, substantial income; you’ll need to write different blog posts and pretty often. Preferably around 1000 words per blog post. 

Blog as much as possible, minimum 2-3 times per week. Obviously the more, the better. Google favors blogs by ranking them high up in the ‘search engine results page’ (SERPs) if you consistently post new content. *Keyword: consistently.

If you can only see yourself writing one article a week, then do that. But don’t do two articles a week and then not write anything for two weeks. Stick to a writing schedule. Pick a number of blog post per week and stick to it.

If you can publish a blog post everyday or every other day, you’ll have enough traffic that can easily earn you close to $3,000 – $5,000 a month just from Google AdSense ads alone.

It may take a few months to get to that point, but it will be well worth it when you do.🤑

Now let’s get back to the topic at hand, shall we?

What should I start a blog about?

One of the trickiest things for new bloggers is coming up with ideas to write about. This is pretty much where everyone gets tripped up before even getting started. But first, your all encompassing thought process needs to be this…

Ask yourself: How can I write this blog post to help other people online?

The purpose of blogging is to help or entertaining others online. You can accomplish this by the following ways:

  1. Review products & services you use. I guarantee you that there is an affiliate program selling practically every product and service known to man.
  2. How-to tutorials. If you know how something is done, then show and explain how.
  3. Give quick tips, advice on a certain topic. Give suggestions based on your your experience or research.
  4. You can even write opinion pieces. Pick a trending topic and give your thoughts on it. Provocative content will create discussions prompting people to leave comments. (Google will notice this activity and reward your blog)
  5. You can embed other people’s YouTube videos into your blog post and critique them or expand on the subject matter. Use it to inspire you to write your own take on it.
  6. Story telling. Give real life experiences, anecdotes and people will want to read since you are being genuine and sharing something they are also interested in.

Your foundation will be asking yourself the right questions, in order to guide you to the exact topic you should be writing about.

So lets get into it…

How to find a topic (niche) for a blog

To keep motivated and be inspired to write consistently (Reminder: Google loves blogs that are kept fresh with original, new content) the easiest thing to do is always reference your personal experience.

Your blog should ideally have one main theme. It could be your pets, your hobby, a passion, something you know a lot about.

Personal Experiences: there’s got to be some stories you can share about your main topic of interest. Think back on older memories. Stories engage readers and keep them on your blog longer (Hint: another ranking factor, the longer a reader stays, the higher you rank).

Then tie-in how this experience can prevent someone from making the same mistake or help them achieve something as you did. At that point you can also recommend a product or service that has helped you. Now you get how it works! 

Build trust by having your reader be able to associate with you. Thinking first about how to help people when writing your blog post topics will increase your earnings potential and rate of success immensely.

Research and Improvise: If you don’t know much about a certain topic, you can just research it really quick and teach what you’ve learned. Don’t think that you can only write about things you know, learn new things and share what you’ve learned.

* You’ll now be creating a list of potential topics to write about so write down anything that pops into your head. This should take less than an hour, don’t overthink it.

Topics to write about are all around you. They can even be broken into niches and even narrowed down into sub-niches.

Brainstorming for Blogging Ideas: 

1.) Write down things that interest you, just the main keywords. Can be anything, there are no dumb ideas here. We’re just brainstorming.

2.) What do you know stuff about. Things that you are knowledgable about. You do not have to be an expert on the subject.

Your brainstorming session could look something like this: If you like camping then you know a lot about camping. Do you have kids? Then you know certain things about being a parent. Do you have an illness? Then you probably know a lot about it and how to relieve the symptoms.

Get the idea?

Were you a financial advisor? Then you can share your experience with saving and investing. Are you good at picking up the opposite sex? You can advise people on how to do it.

3.) Narrow your list down and circle the ones that stand out to you and you could see yourself expanding on. 

4.) You can make any topic profitable. Don’t think, “Yeah, but there’s no money in this!” There are affiliate programs for anything you can think of, so recommending related products/services will never be an issue.

You just may need to be a little creative in figuring out the angle to connect a product to your topic. By joining an affiliate marketing training community, you can get assistance on all of this.

Choosing a topic to write a blog post about

To put this all into perspective, I’ll be giving you an examples on how to go about choosing a topic to write about based on a more broad subject.

Now, I will say that it helps to obviously pick a subject matter that interests you or that you spend a lot of time involved with already, because you’ll be writing a lot about similar topics. This could be a hobby or something you know a good deal about.

Don’t worry too much about what this main topic will be at this point. It will come to you. Just know that you will have to narrow your main topics down for blog posts, into much more specific subject matter. 

Okay, an example is in order about finding sub-topics for your main topic…

Let’s say your blog will mostly be about – Being a dog owner.

Here would be some sub-topics to write about. You can even do a little research, like I said not everything you write has to come from personal experience.

For help with coming up with topic ideas and to see what phrases people are typing into Google (your actual target audience) use this great keyword tool.

So you could write different blog posts on:

1. What things to do to keep your dog healthy

2. How to care for you dog when it gets old

3. How much exercise does your dog need

4. How to travel with your dog

5. How to care for your dogs teeth

6. The most comfortable dog beds

You get the idea…

The more you think about it, the more you’ll come up with ideas. As you can see there are many products/services you can show and explain in your posts. Some posts will even be just giving your advice with no product recommendation at all.

Keyword Research for Blog Titles

Once you have these sub-topics roughly written out, you need to do some “keyword research”. This will allow you to get your blog seen in the search engines.

Basically, you’ll need to find exactly which way people are typing in the related phrase into Google the most.

We do this by using a keyword research tool (highly recommended). It shows you how many times people search per month so you can pick the keyword phrase with the most potential traffic.

So for the above phrases, these are the exact phrase people are searching for and will bring you the traffic. 

1. Keep your dog healthy the natural way

2. How to care for senior dog

3. How long should I walk my dog each day

4. Tips for traveling with a dog

5. Best way to keep dogs teeth clean

6. Best therapeutic dog beds

Don’t get too caught up in these keyword phrases, you will automatically get ranked for multiple keywords for any blog post that you write (yes, Google is that good:) We do this just to give your blog post a little boost in the right direction.

These are what you’d use as a title for the blog post.

*Note: And also mention the phrase again in the first or second paragraph when writing the post. This will help Google rank you for that particular keyword phrase. This is basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO). See, there’s nothing complicated about it.


So this is the process for writing a blog to make money. I hope you got something from this and are ready to go for it on your own.

30-40% of your blog posts should have products revolving around them. We are here for the money after all, aren’t we? Money blogs (we’ll call them) should focus on topics pertaining to product tie-ins. Again, not all your blog posts need to have this.

Some of your blog posts can have hilarious memes about animals and babies to hold their interest longer. Get creative after all it is your form of expression.

Also don’t forget to have fun. The whole point is to enjoy what you’re doing– blogging to make money. The more you have fun, the more you’ll write. The more you write, the more you’ll earn.

If you’d like more practical advice, you can always take me up on my personal coaching (don’t worry it costs nothing). So, if you have nothing better to do right now…give me a try.

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is wealthy affiliate legitimate

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It? Get Legitimate Answers

Yes, the Wealthy Affiliate community and training platform are worth it because as a free starter member, you are getting an education at no cost whatsoever.  20+ full lessons. And you get to try it before deciding to go premium, which is optional. You can stay a starter member for life and they’ll still give you two websites with hosting, also free forever.

You can’t beat that deal anywhere on the web. Premium membership is also totally worth it if you can set aside the time required to actually go through all the courses and complete the tasks in the training. If you’re not making good use of all the tools and resources given (and using them like they show you), then it may not be worth it for you. 

You see, what ends up happening is you have thousands of people trying to make money promoting Wealthy Affiliate. But they actually do not encourage beginners to promote their company at all. It is over saturated and highly competitive.

is wealthy affiliate legitimate

Click here for free sign-up.

In fact, their whole entire business model is focused on “you” finding “your own passion” and interest to build an online business around.

It can seem too good to be true, but make no mistake, Wealthy Affiliate is as legitimate as it gets. There is no excuse for you to not try it out.

I know, you’re probably wondering why there are so many positive reviews. You’re right for thinking, “it seems fishy”. Well it’s because they offer commissions to members (and non-members) to promote their company. And to put it frankly, because the training is that good.

“If you’ve stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate then congratulations, you’re almost out of the gauntlet. Consider yourself in the clear, they’re one of the good guys.”

It’s a daunting task (as a newcomer) trying to learn how to make money online. It takes fortitude and strength to push through all the misinformation. So first, give yourself a well-deserved round of applause for getting this far.

Trying to figure out how it’s even possible to make money online is one thing. Trying to avoid paying too much for training that might not work (or getting scammed) is another.

Sifting through all the reviews and noise about Wealthy Affiliate can cause serious information overload and doubt. So i’ll try and clear that up while making it a little easier for you to make your final decision today, to move forward or not. 

How to make money with Wealthy Affiliate

The main way you will be making money with Wealthy Affiliate is by following their training to build a blog/website and monetizing it through affiliate marketing as you move along through the lessons. This method does require a good amount of time to learn the technical aspects of WordPress (the website/blog builder), but the good thing is that everything is integrated right into the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

The blog templates and designs are all ready for you with a push of a button. They’ve made writing blog posts as easy as sending an email. So there really aren’t any technical hurdles, as long as you know how to use the internet to do a little research and type up some blog posts, you’ll be just fine.

Now you’ve heard the saying that all good things take time. Well, this is the case with Wealth Affiliate. You will not be making money online right away, no matter what program you go with. Anyone telling you you’ll make money fast is lying. So if you can manage to get that out of your mind now, you’ll save yourself the aggravation later.

They have top notch training (probably better than anyone in the industry), but the online business model that they teach may not be for everyone. When some people find out that they have to create a blog/website and write about a topics of interest, they get discouraged. But don’t let this happen to you because once everything is set up, your blog will pretty much be on autopilot.

** You have nothing to lose, plus I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way if you take me up on my offer below.

Speed Up The Time It Takes You To Actually Start Earning Money OnlineGet Free Personal Coaching (Unlimited)

  • signing up now will give you the option to use personal 1-on-1 coaching at your convenience
  • you’ll be able to ask me as many questions as you’d like
  • get help with research, advice and new ideas whenever you need
  • I’ll also advise you on which programs would be better to pursue
  • plus 20 free video lessons

(Click this box to get free personal coaching!)

How long will it take to start earning money with Wealthy Affiliate?

This is a subjective question but based on students that I’ve been mentoring, I can confidently say anywhere between 3-5 months. I always recommend people don’t rush through the training and are thorough when completing the tasks. Repeating lessons may also be necessary and is encouraged so that the material sinks in. This learning process alone can take about a month.

And because everybody’s learning curve is different, as well as the amount of time that people are willing to set aside also differs greatly, there is no exact number. So, you’ll be creating your site as you advance through the training completing and checking off each task step- by-step. As long as you can consistently work on you new business you will see results rather quickly.

Based on students that I’ve been mentoring, I can confidently say anywhere between 3-5 months. I always recommend people don’t rush through the training and are thorough when completing the tasks. Repeating lessons may also be necessary and is encouraged so that the material sinks in. This learning process can take about month.

For the first couple months you’ll be building out your site and creating content (the more pages the better). This includes doing research, joining affiliate programs, letting search engines know about your new content.  Getting your blog posts to rank in Google, Yahoo, and Bing can take another month or so.

As your pages start getting traction (clicks from searches) visitors will start reading and following your recommendations on which products/services to purchase. And when they do you’ll earn a commission.

I don’t want to go into detail here on how it all works because Wealthy Affiliate does a much better job explaining the process. My hope is that I’ve brought enough clarity that you can trust me to just try it out.

“Your personal network is everything.”

Balancing time, energy, attention, and opportunity can seem impossible. It is an obvious discouraging point. The reality is that it doesn’t have to be.

From who you choose to associate with to what you decide to spend your time on matters. It’s the basis for not only your professional, but personal success.

Every decision can seem like a make or break situation when everything is on the line and you need to make extra cash.

Road To Success

Trying to be a online business owner can be a lonely road. Either you have to take others opinions with a grain of salt, or you have to force yourself to journey alone. There are doubters, problem makers, and the ignorant are more in abundance which makes everything more complicated than it needs to be.

The issue is, there are too many training programs that promote expertise when their members offer little more than time-wasting anecdotes and spam.

You need an exceptional community along with a mentor who can enhance or speed up your progress as an online entrepreneur. Settling for public forums with outdated methods, strategies, and weekend warriors parading as experts is simply not enough.

When You Join A Legitimate Community Filled With Other Successful Affiliate Marketers, They Can Help You Reach Your Full Potential While Keeping You Motivated.

The biggest problem most novice and even advanced digital marketers run into is dealing with shady forums:

  • Forums that let anyone join and peddle their nonsense with poor moderation.
  • Places that have corrupt moderators that are indifferent to problems, promote their own agendas.
  • Sites that don’t have an investment in making their community a quality one, allowing pushy sales and adverts.

What if I told you that there was a way to ensure your online business becomes successful and your professional network could expand within only a few months of work?

Believe it or not, Wealthy Affiliate is a community which is dedicated to ensuring that your developing business is successful.

Unfortunately, the fact that everyone is trying to promote Wealthy Affiliate can seem to give them a bad name. Depending on how you look at the situation, if you can get over that fact then you can focus on if their flagship product – affiliate marketing training, is right for you.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate and How Does It Work?

Established in 2005, Wealthy Affiliate has 15 years of experience in an industry where not many last. The owners Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim have built the platform into a technological powerhouse, rivaling any top-notch web host providers, hosting thousands of websites (integrating with WordPress) the ability to purchase available domains straight from the platform, not to mention creating one of the industry’s best interactive training courses for affiliate marketing.

Other notable features are their 24/7 technical support with response times under 3 minutes, 24/7 chat with the community members, not to mention the community interaction that is akin to the best of social media platforms. They have their own proprietary keyword research tool, Jaaxy that is state of the art and allows you to track your rankings in Google, Yahoo, and Bing search engines. Weekly webinars with over the shoulder videos from industry expert showing exactly how they’re earning money online.

Also it’s important to note that their business sector is not the most friendly of environments and not too many last long. The unique and impressive part about Wealthy Affiliate is that it manages to establish a bastion of friendliness and helpfulness in such a hostile business environment. You will instantly feel like you’ve made it to the safe zone. It really is a breath of fresh air.

What Can Wealthy Affiliate Do For You

You can be the savviest entrepreneur on the planet, but if you do not have the proper associates and connections, it will be very difficult to get far.

When it comes to training communities such as Wealthy Affiliate, you would be right to be skeptical or wonder how exactly does everything work. What can they do that others cannot? What can they do to help you that you cannot accomplish on your own? While you can try as hard as you can to make your business work out, one of the most important things in the business world is the number of connections you have. And not going it alone. To be able to ask for advice is priceless. One little idea or tip can change everything overnight.

A Thriving Online Business

This is where Wealthy Affiliate comes into the picture. You will find every resource you need at your disposal within minutes of creating your free account at Wealthy Affiliate. If you feel that your current business is struggling to get off the ground or you want to start one for the first time, the community full of ‘Ambassador’ members will provide the support and feedback that you need to ensure that your business grows at an astronomical rate. You’ll also be getting instant answers to your questions from real members with the 24/7 chat feature. There’s always someone somewhere in the world to answer you no matter the time.

Whether you’re in need of a smart and interactive community to bounce your ideas off of, or you are simply looking for business partners with similar interests, Wealthy Affiliate has you covered.

A Tolerant Community

The beauty of Wealthy Affiliate is in its spirit of cooperation. Where other business sites are hives of negativity and competition, the members of Wealthy Affiliate understand that there must be a mutual aid for such a community to thrive. Members of Wealthy Affiliate do not see the success of others as detracting from their success, but as a way to enrich the knowledge of the community at large and provides motivation.

Wealthy Affiliate is essentially one large group effort. It comprises a selection of individuals who prize mutual success above all else. Nobody ever said that you have to go it alone when you are trying to establish your startup.

The only thing more powerful than a well-managed startup is a group of startups working together to accomplish what they cannot alone. Wealthy Affiliate is on the cutting edge when it comes to ensuring the success of every member of the community.

An In-Depth Approach

An In-Depth Approach

One of the most impressive parts about Wealthy Affiliate is in the attention they pay to every minuscule aspect of your business. Other websites tend to focus on the business aspect of your startup above all else.

Wealthy Affiliate features a tight nit community of multi-talented online business professionals who will provide advice for you on every aspect of your entrepreneurial undertaking.  Whether you would like to know more about the programming aspect, web design, lead generation, email marketing, social media marketing, pay-per-click advertising – you will have every bit of support you could wish for.

A Personalized Experience

Wealthy Affiliate considers your needs as an individual and takes them into account when it comes to personalizing your business and optimizing your startup. Often times you will even get real personal messages from the owners checking up with you to see how things are coming along.

The members and crew of Wealthy Affiliate care about your success. It is rare to find a group so willing to help you in your journey to online success.


If you would like to join a community which is interested in the success of all of its members, Wealthy Affiliate may be an excellent choice for you. While this may sound overly positive, you’ll understand why this is when you first login. Wealthy Affiliate is a real and practical way to make your online business take off smoothly right from the start.

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Wealthy Affiliate Review
Product reviews, Reviews

Wealthy Affiliate Review

Learning where to start and who to trust in the world of internet marketing and making money online can be difficult. There are more scams out there than there are legitimate programs that can actually help you build a successful business.

It’s a sad state, but there’s no way to get around it.

I can tell you right now that when a product creator or entrepreneur is telling you how you can download their system for only $97 and start making hundreds of dollars a day with just a few clicks of the mouse, that they are selling you a bunch of hot air.

Wealthy Affiliate Logo

However, every now and then, systems do come along that can help take you from beginner to successful business owner and shorten the amount of time it takes you to get there.

Wealthy Affiliate claims to be one of those products.

If you’re not familiar with Wealthy Affiliate, it’s a program run by the founders Kyle & Carson, and has been laid out with step-by-step guides to help you get a handle on building an internet based business, and the tools and training necessary to turn your dreams into a reality.

But is it too good to be true? Let’s take an in-depth look at it.

The Good

After digging through the training program, Wealthy Affiliate does have a lot to offer. At the surface level, there’s a lot going on. When you dig deeper, you realize that the meat and potatoes of the program is exactly what most people need to get started making money online.

Step-By-Step Training:

The training inside of Wealthy Affiliate is always up to date and full of information.

There are numerous lessons that cover every aspect of internet marketing that is constantly evolving to keep up with the times. From videos to written tutorials, there really is no area that you’ll need to learn about that has been left uncovered.

Man Doing Affiliate Marketing on a Futuristic Computer

As the industry evolves, the training evolves, too. Members are able to create their own training material and then share it inside of the Wealthy Affiliate community.

If you do have questions, there are quite a few people from every walk of life that are eager and ready to help you get through the process. There’s no real “secrets” being held back inside of the community.

Easy To Use Tools:

Creating websites can seem like a daunting task when you’re just getting started, but Wealthy Affiliate wants to make the process as simple as possible and gives you the tools needed to create the types of websites they’re training you to build.

For instance, you can go through the keyword research training modules and then get straight to work with the Keyword Research tool that helps you find the perfect keywords to target on your own website.

This means you don’t have to spend even more money on external tools to help build your business. If there’s something you’re going to need to keep moving forward, Wealthy Affiliate provides it to you as part of your membership.

Weekly Live Webinars:

As it stands right now, there are more than 350 videos that are included in the training and webinar vault. These webinars have been recorded each week and include fresh training from Carson and Kyle themselves, guest experts, other members that are making big moves, and even beginners that are getting very specific help to grow their business.

Every week, Carson and Kyle take questions from the community and convert those questions into new training, in the form of weekly webinars. The videos are then recorded and added to the vault for members who weren’t able to attend the live webinar showing.

Free Website Hosting:

One of the many expenses that beginners are going to face when they’re building their business is the monthly cost of hosting their websites. Wealthy Affiliate has a feature to help with that cost, too, though.

Web Hosting Sign

Whether you’re just starting the Wealthy Affiliate program as a free subscriber, or you have multiple websites that you already own, there are free hosting options available for everybody.

Free Wealthy Affiliate members are able to host 2 websites for free, while premium members can host up to 25 websites for free, including websites that they’ve owned before joining the Wealthy Affiliate program.

One-On-One Support:

Many programs that are currently available offer “support”, but it’s only in the form of a third-party support desk. Some do not even offer support to their members, expecting them to figure out how to proceed forward on their own.

Wealthy Affiliate is one of the few programs that do offer one-on-one coaching, without charging a massive price tag for the opportunity. Both Kyle and Carson are actively involved in their forum live chat room, and are constantly monitoring questions from members to ensure that they can always move forward.

The Bad

Even with all of the good that Wealthy Affiliate has going for it, there are still areas where we believe the program could be improved. While going through their training, there’s one area that kept jumping out at us that could present problems to new members.

A Ton Of Information Available:

We’ve noticed that the amount of information that’s available to new members can be potentially overwhelming. While having a huge amount of information is generally a good thing, and ensures a completely thorough training program, when people are just getting started they may not necessarily know where to begin.

Person under crumpled pile of papers with hand holding a help sign

If, after joining, you happen to find yourself being overwhelmed, you’ll want to reach out and take advantage of the additional support, the community forums, and the one-on-one coaching that’s available.

The Ugly

We’ve also noticed that there’s a couple areas that could be worked on, but we’re not necessarily sure how Kyle and Carson could manage to pull it off. No review would be complete without breaking down every aspect of the program, and we do believe there are some ugly areas that make it hard for beginners to see the success they’re looking for.

The Community Can Be Excessively Busy:

A huge community full of active members can be a blessing, and a curse.

On one hand, you have people that are using the training in the program and are working on pursuing their dreams.

On the other hand, though, you have people that are constantly asking questions.

That means that if you have questions yourself, you may find that they’re getting buried inside of the forum, getting pushed down by other people’s questions.

raised hands with questionmarks

Most times, you’ll receive answers fairly quickly, but if you find yourself asking super technical questions, or aren’t completely clear in the information that you’re asking for, you may have a hard time getting your questions answered.

If that’s the case, try reframing your question, or “bumping” your thread back to the top, and someone will come along and answer it eventually.

They Push You To Promote Wealthy Affiliate:

Some people that join Wealthy Affiliate aren’t going to have a business model in mind, a niche that they want to pursue, or a product that they want to promote.

For those people, Kyle and Carson are going to push for them to promote Wealthy Affiliate as a program to help them make money. This seems somewhat slimy on the outside, but when you look at it on a deeper level, it only makes sense that they’re helping their members make money by helping themselves.

Promoting Wealthy Affiliate when you do not have another program or product to promote can be a great way to get your feet wet and start making money.

This does make the program feel similar to a multi-level marketing scheme, but if you have a product that you want to promote before you join, or a niche that you want to pursue, you don’t have to worry about promoting Wealthy Affiliate as part of your training.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Legitimate?

At the end of the day, Wealthy Affiliate gives you the necessary training and support needed to build your internet based business. Whether or not you make that information work is entirely up to you.

One of the best aspects of Wealthy Affiliate is that you can try the entire program for free, taking all of the risk away. If there’s any chance that you think the program could work for you, you would be a little crazy to not take them up on at least the free trial offer.

Free Account Registration on Wealthy Affiliate

Join the program, give them 30 days, go through the training, and put to work what they’re teaching you. If, at the end of those 30 days, you feel like you can’t make it work, or the training didn’t live up to their claims, no harm, no foul. You can cancel your account and move onto the next program.

However, we firmly believe that if you put in the time and do what the Wealthy Affiliate training teaches you to do, you will make money.

You can try Wealthy Affiliate for free by clicking on the button below.

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Brand Builders Review
Product reviews, Reviews

Brand Builders Review – Shortcut To Making Money Online?

In some industries, the best way to get started is to buy an existing business and work on increasing the profits, rather than starting completely from scratch.

When it comes to making money online, the best way to get started is to do exactly that -- buy a website that’s already making money and work on increasing the monthly revenue so you get to see a return on your original investment.

Money Coming out of a Computer Monitor

The technical hurdles faced by many people trying to get into the affiliate marketing industry, and making money online, is one of the biggest reasons so many people fail to see the income goals that they’ve set for themselves.

Since buying an existing website requires you to know what you’re doing already (usually by having built a successful website before, by yourself) and learning how to build one of those sites can take years of experience (and often times, failing more than once), what are you left to do?

One option you have is to outsource the building process of your website to a company that already has the experience needed to know what to do right, and what to avoid to keep you from making mistakes that could potentially harm your site’s long-term growth.

There are companies that create “done-for-you” websites to keep you from having to battle the technical hurdles, and put you one step closer to making money from the internet.

One of those companies is Brand Builders, and they are looking to help you get started as quickly as possible by building the foundation of your business so you can focus on promoting the site, and growing it’s monthly revenue.

Buying a turnkey website sounds like a great idea on the surface, because of the amount of time you’ll save and how much closer to making money you’ll be, but can Brand Builders really deliver on their promises?

Let’s find out.

Who Are Brand Builders?

The Brand Builders themselves are actually Jon and Andrew. Two long-term marketers that have made their money by using niche marketing websites and the Fulfillment by Amazon business model.

Brand Builders Logo on a Black Background

Over the last 8 years, they’ve learned what it takes, and made a massive amount of mistakes along the way that they learned from, pivoted, and used to their advantage to grow their own businesses even further than what would have normally been possible.

In other words, these guys know exactly what they’re doing, and have teams in place that help them execute their ideas on a regular basis.

What Does Brand Builders Offer?

As it stands right now, Brand Builders has 3 different offerings, depending on the type of business that you want to run: done-for-you niche websites, Fulfillment by Amazon focused websites, and turnkey pre-built websites.

If you want to run an eCommerce based business that utilizes Fulfillment by Amazon to handle all of the warehousing and shipping needs of your business, Brand Builders provide some of the best platforms in the industry.

Some Fulfillment by Amazon models require you to have a website before they’ll allow you to do business. Providing these websites to FBA sellers is how Brand Builders got their start, and FBA sellers are still some of their biggest clients.

However, they’ve recently begun helping niche marketers get their start in the industry by building beautiful websites that are focused solely on Amazon’s Associates program.

To do this, they offer two different types of websites.

If you already have a niche market in mind that you want to target, they can build a website with all of the content and marketing in place.

Artistic Shot of Letters NICHE

If you don’t already have a niche market in mind, they have also begun selling turnkey pre-built websites that are built around low competition niches, ready for you to get your feet wet and start making money.

The websites themselves aren’t all that Brand Builders offers, either.

When you purchase a site from them, depending on the package you choose, they are going to load the site down with a ton of content that your future readers are going to want to see. That content is optimized for both the search engines and your visitors to ensure that more of the visitors that land on the page are going to convert into sales (and money) for you.

The combination of search engine optimized content, along with conversion optimized content is the perfect recipe for making more money over the long-term than what most people could pull off by themselves when they’re just learning how to get started in the industry.

Brand Builders really takes the guesswork out of learning how to build a successful Amazon based business by yourself, which makes their offers highly attractive to beginners.

Advanced marketers are also finding out that Brand Builders can save them time by creating the foundation that they can build on without having to outsource the process to 20 different people.

Can You Really Make Money With Amazon?

Now comes the million dollar question.

There’s no mistaking that Brand Builders creates amazing looking websites, and the content that they populate the websites with will work to keep the search engines happy and convert more visitors into paying customers, but is it really possible to build a legitimate business off of the back of Amazon?

If there’s one thing that has been proven over the last 10 years, it’s that the Amazon Associates program is one of the best ways for people to get started making money online.

Then, as time progresses and you start seeing success from your niche website building efforts, the Fulfillment by Amazon program makes it easy to continue growing your income by allowing you to source the same products you’ve been promoting and start selling them on the Amazon platform for increased profit margins.

Brand Builders creates websites for people on both ends of the spectrum.

For beginners that are trying to get the hang of the industry, and looking to make their first few dollars online, Amazon Associates focused websites are the best option.

For advanced marketers looking to either scale the earnings from their Associates based websites, or looking to make even more money by sourcing the products themselves, the FBA based sites that Brand Builders creates are going to be critical to growing their business.

Depending on where you’re at, and what your level of experience is, Amazon provides ways for everybody to make money. There have been many millionaires created by simply promoting products on Amazon or selling them yourself through Amazon’s platform.

Amazon has carved out a substantial portion of the global market, ensuring that they are not going anywhere, anytime soon. That means the opportunities you have to make money from their programs are available today, and will continue to remain available in the foreseeable future.

You do not read reports about affiliates having issues with their payment dates being missed, or getting denied checks that they’ve earned from promoting products through Amazon.

They also have millions of different products, which means that nearly every niche you can possible think of can be promoted through Amazon.

To sum it up, yes, it is possible to make money (and a lot of it) through Amazon’s different programs.

Are The “Brand Builders” Legitimate?

It’s already been stated that, when it comes to making money online, Amazon provides some amazing opportunities for both beginner marketers, as well as marketers that have been involved in the industry for years.

With how easy it is to make money through Amazon, it’s only natural that some companies have popped up that help other marketers get involved in the industry, and save them time and money in the process.

Brand Builders is one of those companies. They are providing a legitimate service to marketers, and have been in business long enough that if they were not reputable you would be hearing about it from other people who have used their service.

When you search the internet for the Brand Builders company, people that have used their service in the past have nothing but great things to say about them, which says a lot about the company itself.

People are more inclined to provide negative feedback than they are to go out of their way to say something positive about a service that they’ve used.

Giving Thumbs Up For Positive Feedback

For Brand Builders to not have any complaints, even after being in business for as long as they have, is huge and something that can’t be ignored.

Then, you look at the founders, Jon and Andrew, and realize exactly how much experience they have building the same types of sites that they build for their clients, and you can see why they’ve had so much success taking their company from nothing to one of the major players in the done-for-you affiliate marketing website building industry.

In our opinion, Brand Builders are legitimate, and they are doing great things for both beginner and advanced marketers, and are going to be around for a long time to come.
They provide one of the very few shortcuts to making money online, and are making a name for themselves while doing it.

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CloudIncome Market
Product reviews, Reviews

Cloud Income Review – Can Niche Sites Really Make Money In 2017?

When it comes to building niche websites in 2017, there is information scattered all across the internet. It seems like more, and more people are building these sites and documenting the process to help other people get started making money online.

Very few business models can deliver the level of “passive” income that building niche websites can. Over the last few years, though, the niche website industry has evolved enough, and the rules have changed, so can Cloud Income actually help you make money with them in 2017?

Money Falling on a Man and His Laptop

Let’s dissect exactly what Cloud Income can teach you, and then we’ll figure out whether or not they are a good source of information that you should follow if you’re wanting to build a digital business and make money online.

What’s A Niche Website?

In a nutshell, niche websites are small websites that are generally built around 5 to 10 pages of content that are focused on a very small “niche”. Niches, in terms of this type of website, are small markets of people that all have a very tightly focused interest.

To give you an example of a niche market, let’s take a look at badminton. It’s a sport similar to tennis, and played by thousands of people all over the world.

If you wanted to build a niche website around badminton, you would start researching the sport itself so you’re familiar with what people who play it are looking for.

Once you know what the people who are active in sport are looking for, you can begin creating content around those topics. This is where the term “niche” comes in.

In general, it’s best to keep these sites on the smaller side when they’re first being built, focusing on a few key areas of the topic that are going to have a high probability of generating an income.

In other words, you only want to write about content that’s going to provide useful answers to the people who land on your site, and answers that are going to help them purchase products that you recommend.

Woman Writing Content on a Laptop

When you perform proper research on the topics you’re going to write about, you can identify low competition “long tail keywords” that will rank highly in the search results pages of major search engines like Google and Bing.

Whenever someone searches for topics that you’ve written about and your pages rank near the top of the search results, they will click the link to land on your site and start reading through the content you’ve created.

Search engine traffic is what makes niche websites so lucrative, and allows them to generate a “passive” income stream. People can search for your website 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, from all over the world.

You do not have to continue working on the site once you’re ranked at the top of the search results pages, allowing you to move onto other projects and increase your income through even more niche websites.

How Can You Make Money With Them?

Building the website, creating content that people in the badminton niche want to see, and getting your website to rank at the top of the search results is only half the battle. To build a business, you’re going to need to make money and, with niche websites, making money is fairly straightforward.

One of the best (and easiest) ways to make money with niche websites is the Amazon Associates affiliate marketing program. Amazon allows you to promote products on their website and earn a commission for each sale that you refer.

Let’s run some basic numbers to give you an example of what’s possible when you build a successful niche website. Keep in mind, too, that these are random numbers. Many niche websites make substantially more, while some niche websites do not make a dime. This is just to give you an example of how you can make money with them.

Using a Calculator to Count Money

Let’s assume you rank near the top of the search results for 10 different keywords, and those 10 keywords deliver 20,000 visitors per month to your website.

Of those 20,000 visitors, 10% of them will take a recommendation that you’ve made, click one of your links that lead to Amazon, and purchase one of the products that you’ve featured on your website.

That means 2,000 people are going to make a purchase from Amazon, allowing you to make a commission on the products that they’ve purchased.

Let’s also assume that each one of those products is selling for $20. Amazon pays between 4% and 8%, depending on how many sales you’ve made throughout the month. Let’s assume, again, that it’s towards the end of the month and you’re at the 8% comission range.

Of those 2,000 sales, and $20 average product price, you’re going to make $1.60 per sale, which totals out to $3,200 per month.

That $3,200 per month is delivered automatically because of the website ranking near the top of the search results pages, and the traffic coming into it on a regular basis without having to continue working for it.

Is Cloud Income A Legitimate Source Of Information?

Now that you know what niche websites are and how you can make money with them, should you trust the Cloud Income website and it’s founder, Lewis Ogden to help you make your business dreams a reality?

When you’re looking over their website, one thing that you’re going to notice is that there is a ton of information already available, and the process of building a successful niche website has been documented from beginning to end.

Lewis Ogden has devoted a substantial portion of his website to showing people what is possible, and documenting the process that he’s taken to get to where he is at today.

Lewis Ogden on White Background

That being said, there are some things that you’re going to need to watch out for when you’re taking advice from him, in regards to building a successful niche website business.

First, some of the information on his website could be considered outdated. Just by looking at his homepage you can see that the Cloud Income website hasn’t been updated regularly for a very long time.

In fact, the last case study update he provided was in June of 2016. If there’s one thing about building niche websites and relying on search engines to deliver the traffic you should watch out for, it’s that the search engines constantly update and evolve their algorithms which makes some of the information already available for building niche websites obsolete.

When you want to build niche websites, you need to ensure that the information you’re reading is up-to-date and that they are following the search engine’s best practices. Relying on search engine traffic means that you’re putting your business in the hands of the major search engines, so you have to follow the rules that they’ve laid out.

If you fail to follow those rules, or take outdated information that could potentially harm your website’s rankings, you’re going to have a hard time driving traffic to the site, which means that you’re also going to have a hard time making money.

One of the biggest red flags that we saw on the Cloud Income website is his use of private blog networks. Done right, private blog networks can help you rank at the top of the search results pages. Done wrong, though, and your website could be penalized and never make a dime in income.

Private Blog Network

Using private blog networks is an advanced strategy that most beginners will have a hard time properly pulling off. Because of this, we highly advise you to avoid using the information that he provides, in relation to using private blog networks to rank niche websites at the top of the search results.

The remaining information that’s available, though, is solid, and can help you build a successful business based around niche websites.

You will need to spend a good amount of time going through all of the blog posts Lewis Ogden has written, though, to decipher the information you need to start building your first website.

The more time you spend figuring out what you’re doing, and watching his process evolve as he builds out the case studies that he’s documented, the easier your job is going to be when it comes to building out your own websites.


As far as I’m concerned, Lewis Ogden is a legitimate source of information for niche websites, and if you’re interested in building a business around niche websites, you would benefit from reading the information that he’s made readily available.

You could also benefit from learning the rules of the major search engines, and learning other methods of promoting your websites (outside of using private blog networks) so that you can ensure that your websites aren’t going to be penalized down the right.

Google SEO

As your skillset evolves, and your income increases, you can begin using riskier strategies -- like blog networks -- to make even more money than what you would make without using them.

Building niche websites and making a healthy income from them is a real possibility in 2017, and Cloud Income can help you do it.

For more in-depth free training videos on how to get started earning passive income online visit our top recommended Wealthy Affiliate community and get personal one-on-one help from hundreds of mentors.

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Monetization Methods
Featured articles, Monetization

9 Different Monetization Methods You Can Use To Make Money Online

If you want to build a successful digital business, the path you take may not always be straightforward and to the point. If you’re still on the fence and aren’t sure exactly which model to pursue, we can help by laying out some of the more popular options in front of you.

The main goal with any business is to help people in some way.

Money Button

When you take a look at 9 of the different monetization methods you can use to make money online, and then figure out how you can use each one to help the people that will be coming to your site, your path to earning a livable income and building a successful business is substantially shorter.

Method #1 - Affiliate Marketing

One of the most prominent, and common business models beginners will follow is the affiliate marketing model.

If you’re not familiar with affiliate marketing, the model allows you to make money by promoting other people’s products and services. Think of yourself as a digital salesman, collecting a commission every time you recommend a product or service to someone and they make a purchase.

Many affiliates get started with Amazon’s Associates program because there are so many different products available to recommend, and nearly every niche under the sun has been covered on Amazon’s platform.

Read this amazing article on Increasing Amazon Affiliate Earnings by BrandBuilders on their blog!​

Getting started with affiliate marketing is one of the most common business models beginners follow because of how easy it is to get started. All you need to start making money as an affiliate is a website (typically a blog) and some content that your readers want to see.

affiliate marketing puzzle

Amazon’s Associates program isn’t the only platform available to affiliates. Nearly every product that is being sold on the internet right now could be opened to affiliates, giving them the opportunity to make money.

Some other popular networks are ShareASale, CommissionJunction, Clickbank, and JVZoo. Depending on the type of products you want to promote, you can usually find a network that will have offers you’re able to sign up for and start making money.

When you’ve built a successful affiliate marketing website, you can also find investors that are looking to grow their own portfolio who are willing to purchase the website from you. Selling earning websites gives you a nice influx of cash and allows you to free up your time to work on other projects.

This gives you a couple different options for the long-term growth of your affiliate marketing business, depending on whether you prefer to keep growing the sites you already own, or prefer to have large lump sums of cash infused into your business.

Method #2 - eCommerce

Another model that many people are following, especially with the growth of the Fulfillment by Amazon program, is the eCommerce business model. It’s also a natural progression for many affiliate marketers because of the method many people use to build their affiliate marketing business.

Read this amazing article on Fulfillment by Amazon program by BrandBuilders on their blog!​

For instance, if you’ve built a website that has been promoting physical products through Amazon’s Associates program, it would only be natural for you to find a manufacturer and start sourcing the products yourself to sell on the site.

Then, you could set up a shopping cart and a storefront and allow people to purchase the products directly from you. Depending on what you’ve paid for the original products through the manufacturer that you’ve found, your profit margins should increase.

Shopping cart with cardboard boxes on laptop

When you’re selling physical products yourself, rather than acting as an affiliate marketer and promoting someone else’s products, you have more control over the pricing and are not going to be paying an affiliate the commission for recommending the sale.

That means, instead of making (let’s say) 8% commission for promoting the product through Amazon’s Associates programs, you could make anywhere from 30% to 100% profit margins. That’s a very easy way to increase the amount of money a website is earning, and the hard work has already been completed by getting the site to the point where it is already making sales.

Converting an affiliate site into an eCommerce based business, or even starting from scratch and sourcing the products yourself is slightly more involved than building an affiliate marketing website is, but the financial reward is also much greater over the long-term.

eCommerce based websites can also be sold for substantially more than what most investors are willing to pay for an affiliate marketing based website, because of the additional assets like inventory, a customer database, and more long-term growth possibilities.

Method #3 - Dropshipping

Somewhere in between the affiliate marketing and eCommerce business models is where dropshipping falls. If you’re not familiar with what dropshipping is, it allows you to promote products on your website and act as an eCommerce platform, while keeping you from actually having to hold onto the inventory yourself.

Dropshipping is attractive because you’re in control of the pricing of the products that you’re selling, which allows you to increase the profit margins that you see each time a product is sold, but doesn’t require you to actually hold onto the inventory yourself.

Dropshipping Model

This type of model allows you to quickly test which types of products are going to sell well to your audience, without having to devote massive amounts of time, energy, and money into sourcing the products, working with manufacturers, shipping and storing the products, and then ensuring you always have product on hand to keep your business moving forward.

You build a dropshipping website the exact same way that you build an eCommerce website, with a storefront and shopping cart, but, instead of fulfilling the orders yourself, you ship the orders off to the company that you’re dropshipping through and allow them to fulfill the order.

Most dropshipping companies will “blind ship”, which means they’re going to put your own company’s label on the box that the products are being shipped in so that the customer will never realize they ordered from another company.

This means that you’ll need to handle all of the customer support, and that returns are going to be slightly more difficult, but when you don’t want to deal with holding inventory in a warehouse and simply want to make money and help your audience, dropshipping is an amazing way to do it.

Method #4 - Display Advertising

If you prefer to not even deal with physical products at all, and simply want to build a website and start creating new content on a regular basis, making money from display advertising is one of the best models you can follow, and one that has made a lot of people a ton of money.

In case you’re not familiar with what display advertising is, the name implies it all -- you’re displaying advertisements on your content and getting paid whenever someone either clicks an ad (in the case of Google’s AdSense program) or whenever the ad is viewed, which some advertisers offer as part of a CPM display advertising program.

Display Ads on Multiple Platforms

There are two types of display ads -- CPC and CPM. CPC stands for cost per click, while CPM stands for cost per mil. CPC, as the name implies, pays you every time somebody clicks an ad. CPM, on the other hand, pays you when the ad has been viewed 1,000 times.

Depending on your audience, one type of advertisement is always going to pay more than the other. For tightly focused niche websites that have plenty of advertisers, a CPC model is generally going to pay more. However, for bigger sites (like news websites with more generalized content), the CPM model is usually going to be more profitable.

For beginners, Google’s AdSense program is going to be one of the easiest ways to make money from display advertising. They have a huge marketplace with companies constantly bidding to appear on your website, keeping you from having to track down new advertisers all of the time.

They also pay reliably, so you don’t have to worry about chasing down payments at the end of each month. While display advertising based websites may not make as much money as an affiliate based website, it is still a great way for beginners to get started because of how easy it is to create content and start making money.

Method #5 - Lead Generation

If you enjoy helping other business owners and want to make good money in the process, helping them grow their own business can prove to be very lucrative. Generating leads for other business owners is a great model to follow, especially when you live in large cities.

Every business in existence has one thing in common: they need more customers.

It doesn’t matter what industry they’re in, if they’re in business they live and die by how many customers they’re able to bring through their doors or get on the phone on a daily basis.

Lead Generation Marbles

If you’re able to help them generate more phone calls or get more customers through their doors, you stand to make a lot of money by helping them make it happen.

There’s two different models you can follow when it comes to generating new leads for other business owners. You can either charge on a per lead basis, which is typically the most lucrative, or you can charge them a flat fee each month based on how much money they spend on advertising or how much work you do to keep new leads coming into their business.

Some marketers have even convinced business owners to give them a portion of the profits each month on new business that they generate.

While the lead generation model is fairly easy and straightforward, it does require you to have your own marketing strategies in place so you can “keep your pipeline full” and have people calling you regularly to request your services.

With that being said, generating leads for other businesses requires very low overhead, and doesn’t need a ton of capital to get started, so if you have a marketing mind and want to help other business owners, consider generating leads for them and helping them grow their business each month.

Method #6 - Selling T-Shirts

Somewhere between dropshipping and eCommerce based businesses lies another model that many people have used to make a lot of money over the last 10 years. Selling t-shirts is highly profitable, and opens a new world that isn’t necessarily the “flavor of the week” anymore.

Selling t-shirts allows you to tap into your creativity, and constantly test new ideas to see what is going to work with the market that you’re promoting the shirts to.

In fact, that is what makes selling t-shirts so competitive -- requiring you to stay creative and ahead of the pack.

T Shirts being Sold Online

As other marketers see your t-shirt designs and realize that they are consistently making sales, you’re likely to get copycats that are implementing the same designs to claim their share of the market that you’ve cut out for yourself.

If you thrive in competitive environments, and have a creative side that you’re looking to be financially rewarded for, selling t-shirts could be the perfect business model for you.

Most marketers are using print on demand platforms like Teespring and Teechip to sell their shirts through, which limits the amount of overhead they have each month and helps them increase their profit margins.

Teespring and Teechip, as the name “print on demand” implies, allow you to sell a certain number of shirts before actually placing the order. That means you can have the shirts shipped out whenever you’ve hit your sales goal, instead of having to purchase 100 or 1,000 shirts and printing them out individually as orders come in.

As your business evolves, you can upgrade and increase your profit margins by purchasing t-shirt stock that you keep on site, and a printer that allows you to custom print the shirts as orders come in. This will cut Teespring and Teechip out of your business, but give you much more sustainability and predictability as time goes on.

Method #7 - Kindle Publishing

Another model that was once the “flavor of the week” and has seemingly fallen to the wayside is Kindle book publishing. Even though many of the mainstream marketers have abandoned publishing books on the Kindle platform, there is still a ton of money to be made for writers looking to get their name out into the world.

If you’re not familiar with Kindle, it’s a platform that Amazon provides that allows publishers to create works and promote them inside of Amazon. Then, anytime someone downloads or buys the books that you’ve created, you get a cut of the money.

Earning money through the Kindle marketplace has gotten substantially less competitive over the last couple of years, due to the fact that many of the big-name marketers that once promoted it bowing out in favor of other business models.

Kindle, Book and Cup of Coffee

Even though they have practically abandoned the platform, you don’t have to worry about the model being “dried up”. You can still publish your digital books on Kindle and make money.

There’s two types of books that tend to do well on Kindle right now. The first is self-help style books and books that teach people new skills. The second is non-fiction books and books that can keep people entertained for a while.

In the past, you were able to publish the books on Kindle and then start seeing sales come in. Because the marketplace has evolved over the last few years, though, you’re now required to do some marketing for your books before sales will start coming in.

That means it’s best to start growing your following by building a website where you can gather your followers, and then start promoting your books through your own website. As you start to gain traction, your organic sales through the Kindle platform will begin to increase, allowing you to do less marketing as time goes on.

Method #8 - Coaching & Consulting

If you have skills that people are willing to pay for, or have achieved certain accolades throughout your life, you may be able to provide coaching and consulting to other people in exchange for them paying the fees that you require.

As it stands right now, business, life, and health coaching are three industries that are growing by massive proportions, with the number of coaches available growing on an everyday basis. That means that the competition is getting stiffer as time moves on.

However, one of the reasons for the substantial growth that the coaching industry has seen lately is the fact that more people are realizing how much help a coach can be for problems that they are trying to overcome.

Computer keyboard with word Online Training

Most coaching businesses today are being built around a blog, with the owner showcasing their expertise and having different products or services available that their followers can purchase.

If you’re not already familiar, there is a difference between coaches and consultants.

Consultants tend to work with other business owners, providing their expertise on a regular basis without being an actual employee. Hiring consultants allows business owners to learn how to solve problems that they’re having on their own, without requiring the additional overhead of another employee.

Coaches, on the other hand, tend to work with consumers and help them overcome problems they’re having in their personal lives. For instance, health coaches can help people lose weight and get fit, while mindset coaches can help people bust through mindset blocks that they have, and advance their life in other ways.

The model you choose depends upon who you want to help -- either consumers, or business owners.

Method #9 - Freelancing

Finally, the last business model that is popular for beginners looking to make money online is providing freelance services to other business owners.

Entrepreneurs, especially digital entrepreneurs all have needs for services that they typically can’t handle by themselves.

For instance, nearly every blogger needs copywriters at some point in time, to help them continue growing their blog, craft email messages, and create advertisements to help sell their products.

freelancing with coffee

They will also need graphic designers, accountants, web developers, and other skills that they may not possess but need to outsource in order to grow their business.

When this happens, they’ll reach out to freelancers who can quickly complete the job they need completed, in exchange for a hefty fee in some cases. If you happen to have the skills that other entrepreneurs are looking for, you can create a healthy income stream for yourself.

Becoming a freelancer is fairly simple, and one of the quickest ways to start making money because you can get paid as soon as you complete the job. Finding the jobs is as easy as hanging out where other entrepreneurs hang out, or on job boards like Upwork and Fiverr.

Freelancing is also a great way to jump start one of the other business models that we’ve laid out for you, because the initial cash influx you can create for your business can be used to invest in other areas that are slightly more hands-off than freelancing.

Or, if you enjoy what you’re doing, you can devote your entire business to providing freelance services, build up your client base, and then hire other freelancers to help you fulfill the work as it comes in.

The method you use to make money has less to do with building a business, and more to do with how you’re going to help the people that you put your business in front of.


Now that you’ve seen the 9 most popular monetization methods that people typically use to build their business, you can figure out how you want to help people and then match how you want to help them with a method for making money.

money on a laptop

Always remember, the best businesses are built around providing a solution to a problem that someone is having. When more people have that problem, you stand to make more money. The models listed above have been proven to bridge that gap between customers that have problems, and businesses like yours that can provide solutions to those problems.

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How To Earn Money Online

There are thousands of different strategies you can use when you’re learning how to earn money online, but at the end of the day they all follow the same model.

If you want to build an online business, whatever type of business that may be, there are certain steps that you’re always going to take to get from point A to point B.

Dollar Signs Coming Out of a Laptop Screen

Many people fail to make any money online because they get stuck in a state of paralysis, typically because they feel that they need to have every aspect of their new business perfected before they ever start actually doing any of the work.

The biggest cause for people failing to achieve their dreams isn’t the model that they’ve chosen, it’s their lack of action and thinking that they need to perfect the model before doing anything.

You can avoid that process by getting the big picture completed, and tweaking your model as you proceed forward. To do that, there’s 7 steps that you’re going to need to follow, regardless of the model you choose.

As long as you complete these 7 steps, and work on tweaking your model as you proceed through them, you’ll be further along than most people that are trying to make money online, and have built a solid foundation for your business.

Always remember, that taking action and working through your goals, even if your execution isn’t perfect, you will be further along than what you’ll ever be if you think that your execution needs to be perfect before you can start promoting yourself and making money from the business model you’ve chosen.

Earning Money OnlineStep #1: Choose A Business ModelStep #2: Build Your WebsiteStep #3: Create Content Your Readers Want To SeeStep #4: Promote Your Content Where Your Readers Hang OutStep #5: Start Collecting Your Visitor’s Email AddressesStep #6: Get Other People Talking About YouStep #7: Scale By Investing Profits And HiringEarning Money Online Isn’t Rocket Science

Step #1: Choose A Business Model

Before you start doing anything, the first thing you need to think about is the model that you’re going to follow to make money.

We’ve put together a post that outlines 9 of the most common monetization methods people are using for their websites, so if you haven’t already read it, you should go through it now by clicking here.

choosing a right business model

If you’re short on time, the general idea behind choosing a business model to follow is that you want to figure out how you can help people solve a problem that they’re having in their life. If you can help them solve a problem that they’re having, they aren’t going to have a problem paying you for the solution.

How you make money depends on where your skills lie, and how much time you’re wanting to devote to the business. Some models are easier than others, but the most common ways that people make money from their websites are:

  • Affiliate marketing, or getting paid to promote other people’s products and services.
  • eCommerce, or sourcing products yourself and selling them through your website.
  • ​Dropshipping, or selling products that you don’t hold in your own inventory.
  • ​Displaying advertisements through programs like Google AdSense.
  • ​Generating leads for other businesses and collecting a fee in the process.
  • ​Selling t-shirts to communities that have rabid fans.
  • ​Publishing books on Amazon’s Kindle platform.
  • ​Providing coaching and consulting services to other entrepreneurs and business owners.
  • ​Providing freelance services and using your skills to make money.

Once you’ve figured out which business model you’re going to use to make money, everything else will fall into place. To get started, you’re going to need to start building your website.

Step #2: Build Your Website

After choosing how you’re going to make money, the real fun begins. Unfortunately, building the website is another area that many people get hung up, trying to “perfect” every aspect of it. This just isn’t necessary, because some of the ugliest websites in the world have generated millions of dollars for their owners.

You can get away with using a basic WordPress website on a shared hosting account, and then allow the website to evolve as time goes on, you start making more money, and can afford to invest in the website by hiring a designer to tweak it for you.

building a website from scratch

All you need to get your website started is a basic header or logo that you can have designed through a service like Fiverr or Upwork, a couple of pages that let your visitors know what your site is about, how to contact you, and how to navigate through the site, and then content.

Everything else, as far as which platform to choose, who to host the website with, what plugins to use, which theme to use, and then tweaking everything to get it all working together is a waste of time if you’re not already making money and can justify the time you’re spending perfecting the design.

In fact, when you’re just getting started, your time is much better spent focusing on activities that are either going to bring more visitors into your website, or are going to get your existing visitors to help you make money or pay you for the services you’re offering.

To get going, a basic WordPress installation on a shared hosting account is more than enough to help you get started making money, then you can focus on income generating activities — like creating content that will attract new visitors.

Step #3: Create Content Your Readers Want To See

Content is the backbone of every website, whether it’s designed specifically to make money or it’s more of a passion project that someone devotes their life to building.

Creating content is another area that people tend to get hung up and start overthinking the process, which ends up stopping them dead in their tracks.

creating fun reading content

You can avoid getting hung up if you stop and realize that there are 4 main types of content you should be creating:

  • Content that’s focused solely on sucking in search engine traffic.
  • Content that’s designed to be promoted on social media.
  • ​Content that’s going to get other blogs to link to you.
  • Content that’s designed to funnel your visitors and earn money for you.

Let’s break each type down, then you can start putting together a content strategy for your site.

Search engine focused content, as the name implies, is designed to rank in the search engines for various different keywords.

Social media content is focused more towards getting people to click on your links and invoke an emotion inside of them so they’re willing to share the content with their friends.

Link bait style content is typically full of information, and makes it a no-brainer for other blogs to link to you — which increases your referral traffic and helps you rank higher in the search engines.

Your “money pages” are pieces of content that are designed solely to make you money and are generally separate because many people will not link to your money pages, won’t share them with their friends, and aren’t as easy to rank in the search results.

Now, something to keep in mind is that these aren’t hard-fast rules. Search engine content can also be promoted on social media and may even attract it’s own links. When done right, it can also be used to generate an income.

The idea behind the 4 types of content is just to give you an idea to get started so you’re not getting bogged down in the minor details.

Step #4: Promote Your Content Where Your Readers Hang Out

Your website is up and you have content ready for your readers to see, now what?

Now, you start getting that content in front of the people, where your target audience hangs out.

To get you started, there’s a few places that are easier to navigate than others when it comes to driving traffic to your brand new website.

different social media good for marketing

Here are 3 different places you can start targeting to get in front of your target audience:

  • Social media groups.
  • Other blogs.
  • Forums and message boards.

Nearly every niche topic under the sun has Facebook groups devoted to help members connect with each other and share in their interests for the topic. That means you can join the same groups and start getting involved in the conversation, while promoting the content that you’ve created.

Like Facebook groups, there are also a ton of forums and message boards available where your target audience may be hanging out, discussing the topic every day. If you contribute to the conversation, you have a built-in audience ready to see what it is you’ve created on the website.

Finally, you’re going to want to spend time getting to know other bloggers and working out how you can collaborate together to help grow each other’s audiences. When you get your content featured on their blogs, and help them grow their own following, you’re both going to win.

As you spend more time promoting your content, the search engines are going to take notice and as long as you’ve worked keywords into the content you’ve created you will start seeing trickles of traffic work their way into your site automatically.

Generating traffic to a brand new website doesn’t have to be like learning rocket science. As long as you figure out who your audience is and where they’re hanging out at online, you just have to spend time getting in front of them.

Step #5: Start Collecting Your Visitor’s Email Addresses

If there’s one way to guarantee longevity in your business (not to mention increased revenue), it’s to collect the email addresses of people that visit your site.

When you have a list of email addresses from people that have come to your website, you have a built-in audience ready to tap into anytime you want to send out a new broadcast email or have a new piece of content that you want to promote.

collecting readers email addresses

Likewise, if something should happen and your website falls out of the good graces of major search engines, you don’t have to worry about being reliant on them to continue sending you traffic.

As time goes on and the size of your email list increases, you will also stabilize your income. Any time you need a fresh influx of cash into your business, you can send out an email to your list letting them know about a sale you’re running or a new offer you’re promoting and make some quick sales.

Should you ever decide that you want to get out of the business that you’ve built, having an email list in place is also going to substantially increase the amount that you’re able to ask for the site during the sale.

Investors and business owners are going to appreciate having a built email list that they can improve upon and mail their own offers to start seeing a return on their investment.

There’s no denying that the “money is in the list” and if you’re looking to make money, especially in the long-term, you’re going to need to focus on building up your email list once you have traffic coming into your site.

Step #6: Get Other People Talking About You

One of the best things you can do when you want to make money online is to get other people talking about your website and what you’re doing to help other people.

If you can get other people talking about your website and your business, they’re going to work on your marketing for you so that you can focus more on doing what you want to do — helping people and making money.

Others Promoting Your Website

Promoting a website and getting it in front of the market so you can make money is one of the hardest aspects of making money online, and one that most people simply don’t want to focus on. However, it’s one of the most important things you can focus on, especially in the beginning.

It doesn’t matter what business model you’re choosing to pursue, getting other people in your industry to help promote your cause can have dramatic effects on your income levels.

To get other people talking about you, you’re going to need to do some creative thinking. If you can start a movement, though, either by causing some controversy, doing something cool, giving away your products and services to help those in need (and without the financial means to afford what you’re offering), your business is going to continue growing without you having to keep working for it.

That’s the ultimate goal for any business, and if you hate doing the marketing and promoting, and would rather spend time on creating content and making money, you’re going to need to figure out how to get the rest of the community to spread the word about what you’re doing.

Step #7: Scale By Investing Profits And Hiring

The end goal for every business should be to scale what they’re doing so they make more money while doing less work, and to eventually hire other people that can help them keep their operation moving forward.

Whether you’ve build a blog focused on making money from affiliate marketing, or you’re selling your books on Kindle and t-shirts on Teespring, every business that makes money online can benefit from hiring people to help scale their income and profits.

Save and Invest Profits

By putting systems in place that other people can fulfill, you’ll be able to step back and focus on the bigger picture aspects of growing your business while freelancers and other employees help manage the day to day operations.

Even if you don’t necessarily want to hire a full team of people down the road, you want to keep the possibilities in mind when you’re just getting started so you can help your business evolve around the possibilities.

At a certain point, too, you’re going to want to start devoting some of your monthly earnings back into the business so you can help scale your efforts.

Whether you use the income to pay for advertising, writers, marketing, or even for a new website design, you want to make sure that you have a plan in place for how you’re going to return some of your profits back into the business.

Earning Money Online Isn’t Rocket Science

Earning a livable income and even growing a business that supports yourself and any employees you may hire in the future isn’t rocket science. That being said, learning how to make money online is easy, but keeping yourself focused and dedicated to the process is where things start to get difficult.

When you figure out the model that you want to follow to make money online, and then realize that every online business follows the same basic 7-step process, keeping yourself motivated becomes that much easier.

Hand from Monitor Giving Money to a Man

Taking the process slowly and making sure that you’re embracing it along the way, rather than trying to force things to happen, will ensure that you’re going to enjoy what you are doing and that you will be better equipped to help the people that you’re getting in front of.

Then, the more people you help, the more money you will have flowing into your business.

At the end of the day, every successful online business is built around helping people in some way.

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